Touristic development
The connected city
To the holistic, functional, urbanist and humanist vision that seeks to improve the quality of life of the citizen; smart destinations incorporate a business orientation and improvement of the competitiveness of the destination, the quality of tourist experiences, and the creation of innovation spaces, knowledge management and the promotion of sustainable management. Technology plays a key role.
destinos inteligentes

This multilingual Big Data project fosters cross-sector value chain collaboration; incorporates human feedback and permanent connection with social networks; and analyzes the information in real time to improve the experience and mobility in tourist destinations. The pilot was developed in Italy.

Action plan

The methodology to collect, process and analyze data in real time was addressed and the technology necessary to process the information. The evolution of mobility was also monitored and policy guidelines were proposed to improve the mobility experience at the destination, involving locals and visitors.


The platform facilitates the cross-sector integration of Big Data through hybrid computational methods and scalable algorithms; supports effective collaboration and feedback from diverse stakeholders, incorporates configurable crowdsourcing services, uses vertical data value chains, and uses multi-industry and multi-lingual technology.

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