Touristic development
Tourism Plan of Chocó Norte
The peace process raised needs for territorial rebalancing. Chocó is a department of Colombia, and one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, but with little development, so the authorities saw tourism as a tool for socioeconomic development.
community tourism

Funded by the European Commission, a model of intervention on community tourism was developed and implemented, aimed at reversing the situation of helplessness of vulnerable communities and ethnic minorities and achieving management, financial and commercial autonomy in tourism. It advocates for the competitiveness of the territory, sustainable commercialization, obtaining resources through alliances and the acquisition of expertise through supervised practice. It combines cultural, nature, gastronomic, ethnic-ancestral and nautical tourism.

Action plan

The Tourism Development Plan included in its diagnosis a study of social and territorial problems, through field work with communities and borrowers, as well as co-creation, training and advice workshops; the definition of a consensual territorial vision and development model; and the development of strategic alliances. The Chocó Norte Brand was developed.


Chocó Norte is recognized as a destination and tourist income is already the second source of income for the local economy, after the primary sector.

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