Task Force
Acquisition of fiber optic users in rural areas
Internet access is reaching every corner, and the rural area could not be an exception. Inmark carries out, with great acceptance, the commercialization of a fiber optic offer for access to telecommunications in rural areas.
customer acquisition· rural area· telecommunications

The objectives of this type of project are multiple:

  • Ensure compliance with the business objectives set.
  • Lead this market in the assigned areas for the commercialization of the offer.
  • Optimize the commercialization process so that it complies with the established standards.
  • Transfer to the client of the established brand image attributes.
  • Carry out post-sale follow-up.
Action plan

The choice and training of the team is key for a commercial action of this nature to be successful. The geographical dispersion in which the supply is marketed also demands support and follow-up for the team so that it feels integrated in the activity it is carrying out.

The commercial follow-up is carried out through digital tools that allow:

  1. Correct assignment and monitoring of work areas.
  2. A correct classification of the visits in accordance with the set parameters.
  3. Close monitoring of pending visits.
  4. An optimal closing of the sale.
  5. The possibility of post-sale monitoring of marketing.

The main one is: continued growth in sales and in the managed client portfolio, as well as transferring an optimal brand image to the client.

Monthly prospects visited
Sales per month

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